Make Sure Your Fire Extinguishers Are Properly Serviced & Up To Date
Next Level Fire & Safety Inc. of Rancho Cucamonga, California, is fully certified to install and maintain all of your fire protection needs. We'll take your home or business fire protection and prevention to the next level.
Portable fire extinguishers are the first line of defense when they are properly located, fully charged, functional, and if your employees are trained in their proper use. Let our team take yours from installation through training for optimal protection.
Guaranteed Fire Protection
When used properly, fire extinguishers can save lives and property by suppressing the small fires in your Southern California building while you wait for additional help to arrive. If you need assistance in choosing a fire extinguisher, or if you need fire extinguisher inspection, service or training, call Next Level Fire & Safety today!
Business owners often have a lot of questions about fire extinguishers – what size and type do I need? How many fire extinguishers should I get, and where should I put them all? Let Next Level Fire & Safety's licensed technicians and knowledgeable staff help you choose the correct size, number, and type of extinguishers specifically for your Riverside location. We can save you money by strategically installing new portable fire extinguishers while abiding by fire code requirements.
Do you need standard ABC fire extinguishers for your office building? How about a special class D fire extinguisher for your chemical laboratory? A K-Guard kitchen class fire extinguisher? Whatever your fire extinguisher needs are, Next Level Fire & Safety has you covered!
We Train Your People
It's one thing to own a fire extinguisher – it's another thing entirely to know how to use it! For a person to extinguish a fire with a portable extinguisher, a person must be able to access the fire extinguisher, know how to activate the unit, and know how to apply the agent effectively – all in the span of just a few seconds. Next Level Fire & Safety can provide comprehensive onsite training for your group of employees to properly and safely use portable fire extinguishers.
We keep your fire extinguishers serviced so they will be ready when you need them. We perform routine fire extinguisher inspections, testing, and maintenance. All of our portable extinguisher technicians are trained, tested, and licensed to service and recharge portable fire extinguishers.
Annual Inspections
The NFPA 10 and your local jurisdiction require fire extinguisher inspections.
6-Year maintenance
The fire extinguisher is broken down and checked for damage. The "O" ring and valve stems are replaced, and the extinguisher is recharged.
Hydro Test
Every 12 years, the fire extinguisher is broken down and emptied. The cylinder is tested for defects. If the cylinder passes, it is recharged with a new chemical and put back in service (required every five years for CO2, Water, and K Class fire extinguishers). Next Level Fire & Safety professionals are ready to support your Southern California organization's fire protection systems and service requests 24 hours a day. Call now for more information about fire extinguishers.